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Club Sport Kickball Leagues

Channel your inner 4th grader!

Kickball Details:

Were you the king of the playground back in your glory days? Do you miss that big red ball? Then check out Club Sport's kickball leagues. Played on a softball field with umps, our coed kickball leagues are a blast. The season includes 7 regular season games with everyone making a single elimination playoff at the end. Either submit a complete team or sign up on your own and we'll find a team for you. Rules are designed to give everyone plenty of kicking chances and spread the fun. Hope to see you out on the playground!


  • Paid Umpires
  • Reserved Facility Access
  • Played on a real diamond - not a field!
  • Game balls included
  • FREE League T-Shirts
  • Prizes to the CHAMPS!

Upcoming Leagues!

See what all we currently offer

Check out our LEAGUE LIST HERE!


Filter by LOCATION, DAY OF WEEK, and SPORT so you can see exactly which leagues are the best fit for your schedule! New leagues and location are added all the time and league are played year round - usually 4-5 seasons a year. Our goal is to get your playing and to GET OUT, GET ACTIVE, & MEET NEW PEOPLE! If you have any questions about Club Sport leagues or how to sign up, call us at 877-820-2582 ext 2 or EMAIL US!

Sign up your team today

Form a's easy as 1, 2, 3!

Get your friends together and FORM A TEAM today! Just go to the registration page, choose your league, and submit your team info. Guarantee your spot with your credit card and then request payments from your team with our Team Payer option. At the registration deadline your card will only be charged whatever balance is remaining. You can assign whatever payments you need per player on your team. Plus - signing up a team SAVES MONEY versus everyone signing up on their own...It's that easy!

On your own? We'll help!

Play as a free agent or small group

If you don't have a team, no problem - we specialize in placing "FREE AGENTS"! Depending on availability we can help find you a team. Just sign up online and guarantee your spot with a credit card. We won't charge your card unless we find a team for you! If you're not placed, no worries, you won't be charged. Individuals and small groups of friends not already part of a full team should note all of your friends in the "Players to be Teamed With" box and we'll place you on the same team. SIGN UP FOR A LEAGUE TODAY!


Join a sport specific Facebook group

Join a sport specific Facebook group

The best way to hear about the latest openings

If you don't know anyone and want to get a team together, or as a captain need a player, hook up with other players on our Facebook group JUST FOR A SPECIFIC SPORT. We'll post specific openings, deals on leagues, and teams in need of players here.
















  10v10 (5M / 5F)

Friday Kickball Drop-In Social/ Northshore Park

More Info
More Info

Join us for this exciting weekly kickball pickup in Tampa Bay! In this 2-hour open play, teams compete are divided into 2 teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll get a ton of playing time in a well-organized event. The Club Sport staff will check players in, organize teams, explain rules and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

• $10 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancelations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancelations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the night. We'll start the first games on time. Red, yellow, green shirts are not light or dark. Think white, light gray, black, charcoal, navy blue, brown.
The event host will set up the field, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.

Bathrooms are available. Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult kickball group and player must be 18 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio but we will try to divide evenly.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.

Email: or call M-F 9:00am-5:00pm: 877-820-2582 ex.2.

Level: Recreational
Age: 18 and Up

Locations for Friday Kickball Drop-In Social/ Northshore Park


7:00 PM

  Coed 10v10 (5m/5f)

Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2025)

  • Locations: North Shore Park
  • • Day: Tuesday • Starts: Tuesday, March 25
    Deadline: Friday, March 21
More Info
More Info

Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt and game balls
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 14 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies
League Rules

3.25, 4.1, 4.8, 4.15, 4.22, 4.29, 5.6, 5.13, 5.20

6:30 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:30 PM

  10v10 (5M / 5F)

Friday Kickball Drop-In Social/ Northshore Park

More Info
More Info

Join us for this exciting weekly kickball pickup in Tampa Bay! In this 2-hour open play, teams compete are divided into 2 teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll get a ton of playing time in a well-organized event. The Club Sport staff will check players in, organize teams, explain rules and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

• $10 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancelations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancelations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the night. We'll start the first games on time. Red, yellow, green shirts are not light or dark. Think white, light gray, black, charcoal, navy blue, brown.
The event host will set up the field, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.

Bathrooms are available. Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult kickball group and player must be 18 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio but we will try to divide evenly.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.

Email: or call M-F 9:00am-5:00pm: 877-820-2582 ex.2.

Level: Recreational
Age: 18 and Up

Locations for Friday Kickball Drop-In Social/ Northshore Park


7:00 PM

  10v10 (5M / 5F)

2025 Spring Fling Kickball Tournament (3/29/2025)

  • Locations: Skyway Park
  • • Day: Saturday • Starts: Saturday, March 29
    Deadline: Sunday, March 23
More Info
More Info

Registration Includes...

• Minimum 3 Games
• Online Schedule, Standings & Scores
• Paid Officials

Rules can be found here:


9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM

  10v10 (5M / 5F)

Friday Coed Social Kickball / Seminole Heights (Spring 2025)

More Info
More Info

Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• Self Pitch
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 14 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies
League Rules

4.4, 4.11, 4.18, 4.25, 5.2, 5.9, 5.16, 5.23, 5.30

6:30 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PM

  Coed 10v10 (6m/4f)

Thursday "Big Ball" Kickball / Capaz Park (Spring 2025)

  • Locations: Capaz Field
  • • Day: Thursday • Starts: Thursday, April 10
    Deadline: Tuesday, April 8
More Info
More Info

Registration includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• Pitch to the other team
• 10" "Big Ball" Kickball
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• Paid Official(s)
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 14 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies
League Rules

4.10, 4.17, 4.24, 5.1, 5.8, 5.15, 5.22, 5.29, 6.5

6:30 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:30 PM