Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Spring 2025)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Fall 2023)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Summer 2023)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Spring 2023)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2023)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
I like Big Bunts
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Summer 2022)
Captain and
4 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Summer 2022)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
I Like Big Bunts (c)
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Spring 2022)
3 Players in Common
Bad Batch
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Spring 2022)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Blind Draw
2022 New Years Day Charity Blind Draw KICKBALL (1/1/22)
3 Players in Common
Bad Batch
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2022)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Cirque du Sorelegs (ra)
24th Annual Showdown at the Playground (12/11/21)
3 Players in Common
Kick It and Quit It (c)
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Winter 2022)
4 Players in Common
Kick it and Quit It
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Fall 2021)
4 Players in Common
Bad Batch
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Seminole Heights (Fall 2021)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Coalition (ra)
2021 Summer Lovin Kickball Tournament (06/19/2021)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Bad Batch
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Seminole Heights (Summer 2021)
Captain and
4 Players in Common
The Coalition
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Spring 2021)
Captain and
6 Players in Common
The Bad Batch
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Seminole Heights (Spring 2021)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Snoop Dodgy Dodge
Dodgeball Tournament (03/27/2021)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
The Coalition
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Winter 2021)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
WAP (Wet *$$ Pitches) - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Fall 2020)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Recess Rejects
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Spring 2020)
4 Players in Common
Recess Rejects
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Fall 2 - 2019)
3 Players in Common
Trash Pandas (a)
Thursday Men's Softball / Gadsden (Fall 2019)
3 Players in Common
Recess Rejects (l) - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Fall 2019)
3 Players in Common
Squid Squad
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Summer 2019)
4 Players in Common
TQL Titans
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Spring 2019)
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2019)
3 Players in Common
Kick in a Box (f)
21st Annual Showdown at the Playground (12/08/18)
3 Players in Common
Dye Hard Kicks
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Fall 2018)
3 Players in Common