Hooters On The Run
Thursday Coed Kickball / Clearwater (Winter 2025)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Game of Throws
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2025)
3 Players in Common
Catching Balls
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2025)
3 Players in Common
Hooters Squad
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2024)
Captain and
10 Players in Common
Catching Balls - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2024)
5 Players in Common
Hooters Squad
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2024)
Captain and
12 Players in Common
Catching balls
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2024)
5 Players in Common
Bier Boutique KC
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2024)
3 Players in Common
No Speed Requirement
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2024)
4 Players in Common
Tittles and A$$ets - CHAMPS
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Winter 2024)
4 Players in Common
Hooters Squad!
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2024)
Captain and
11 Players in Common
No Speed Requirement
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2024)
4 Players in Common
Tittles & A$$ets
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Fall 2023)
4 Players in Common
Hooters Squad
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2023)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
No Speed Requirement
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2023)
4 Players in Common
Tittles n' A$$ets
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Summer-2 2023)
4 Players in Common
Bier Boutique KC
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2023)
3 Players in Common
Blind draw
2023 Memorial Day Charity Blind Draw KICKBALL (5/28/23)
3 Players in Common
No Speed Requirement
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2023)
4 Players in Common
Hoot Hoots!
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2023)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
No Speed Requirement
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2023)
4 Players in Common
Friday Night Hoots
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2023)
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Gerballz - CHAMPS
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Spring 2023)
3 Players in Common
No Height Requirement - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2023)
3 Players in Common
Hoot Hoots
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2023)
Captain and
6 Players in Common
No Height Requirement
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2 2022)
3 Players in Common
Hoot Hoots
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2022)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Saved by the Ball
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2022)
3 Players in Common
The New Team
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2022)
3 Players in Common
Hooters fan club!
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2022)
Captain and
7 Players in Common
Faces Loaded 4.0
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2022)
3 Players in Common
Kick-A-Holics (a)
2022 Spring Fling Kickball Tournament (04/23/2022)
3 Players in Common
Hooters Fan Club
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2022)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
The New Team
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2022)
3 Players in Common
Faces Loaded 3.0
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2022)
3 Players in Common
Saved by the Ball - CHAMPS
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2022)
3 Players in Common
Blind Draw
2022 New Years Day Charity Blind Draw KICKBALL (1/1/22)
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2022)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Another New Team - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2 - 2021)
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2021)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Don't Stop Ballieving - CHAMPS
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Fall 2021)
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2 - 2021)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2021)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Don't Stop Ballieving
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Spring 2021)
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2021)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Faces Loaded 2.0
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2021)
3 Players in Common
3 Kick Mafia - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2021)
4 Players in Common
Team Blue (3)
2021 New Years Charity Blind Draw KICKBALL (1/2/21)
3 Players in Common
3 Kick Mafia
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2 - 2020)
3 Players in Common
3 Kick Mafia
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2020)
3 Players in Common
Lunch Money $
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Fall 2020)
3 Players in Common
Faces Loaded 2.0
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2020)
4 Players in Common
Traffic Cones
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Summer 2020)
3 Players in Common
3 Kick Mafia
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2020)
3 Players in Common
Orange you glad we aren't tie dye
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Winter 2020)
3 Players in Common
3 Kick Mafia
Friday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2019 - Quickie League)
3 Players in Common
Saved By The Ball
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2019)
3 Players in Common
Infinity Kicks
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2 - 2018)
3 Players in Common
Infinity Kicks
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2018)
3 Players in Common