Capaz Most Hated - CHAMPS
Thursday "Big Ball" Kickball / Capaz Park (Summer 2024)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Glizzy Gobblers (r)
2024 Winter SoleKicks - Kickball Tournament (1/20/2024)
4 Players in Common
Try Hards - CHAMPS
Thursday "Big Ball" Kickball / Capaz Park (Spring 2023)
3 Players in Common
Something about cats (3)
2022 KickFall Classic Kickball Tournament (10/15/2022)
3 Players in Common
Blind draw
2022 Labor Day Weekend Charity Blind Draw KICKBALL (09/04/2022)
3 Players in Common
Doesn't Even Matter
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Fall 2022)
4 Players in Common
Try Hards - CHAMPS
Thursday "Big Ball" Kickball / Capaz Park (Summer 2022)
3 Players in Common
Doesn't Even Matter
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Summer 2022)
3 Players in Common
Commitment Issues (2)
2022 Summer Lovin Kickball Tournament (6/18/2022)
3 Players in Common
Doesn't Even Matter
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Spring 2022)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Pookie's Crew - CHAMPS
Thursday "Big Ball" Kickball / Capaz Park (Spring 2022)
3 Players in Common
Meow Meow
2022 Big Ball Kickball Classic (03/05/2022)
3 Players in Common
HPKirby's Dreamland
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2022)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Suck My Kick (c)
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Winter 2022)
4 Players in Common
Eastbound & Down (c)
24th Annual Showdown at the Playground (12/11/21)
3 Players in Common
Who Run the World?
2021 KickFall Classic Kickball Tournament (11/06/2021)
3 Players in Common
HPKirby's Dreamland
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Fall 2021)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Eastbound & Down
2021 "Hotter Than a Pitch" Kickball Tournament (8/21/2021)
3 Players in Common
Murderers Row
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Summer 2021)
4 Players in Common
Sloppy Sets
2021 "Summer Slam" Volleyball Tournament #2 (6/5/21)
3 Players in Common
Sky’s Out Thighs Out (c)
2021 Summer Lovin Kickball Tournament (06/19/2021)
3 Players in Common
Murderers Row
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Spring 2021)
4 Players in Common
Hops and Props 2.0
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2021)
3 Players in Common
Eastbound and Down
2021 Spring Fling Kickball Tournament (04/24/2021)
3 Players in Common
HPKirby's Dreamland - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Spring 2021)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Murderers Row
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Winter 2021)
4 Players in Common
HPKirby's Dreamland - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2021)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Hops and Props 2.0
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2021)
4 Players in Common
Straight Outta Quarantine - CHAMPS
Thursday "Big Ball" Kickball / Skyway Park (Fall 2020)
3 Players in Common
Murderers Row - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Fall 2020)
4 Players in Common
Commitment Issues - CHAMPS
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Fall 2020)
3 Players in Common
The Dodgefathers
Dodgeball Tournament (08/08/20)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Made in U.S.A. - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Spring 2020)
3 Players in Common
HPK - Dumbeldore's Army - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Seminole Heights (Winter 2020)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Bar Olympics (1/4/20)
3 Players in Common
Eastbound & Down
22nd Annual Showdown at the Playground (12/14/19)
3 Players in Common
HPK - Dumbeldore's Army - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Kickball / Seminole Heights (Fall 2019)
Captain and
4 Players in Common
The Dodgefathers
Dodgeball Tournament (11/2/19)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Eastbound & Down (c)
2019 "Hotter Than a Pitch" Kickball Tournament (8/24/2019)
4 Players in Common
HPK - Dumbeldore's Army
Friday Coed Kickball / Seminole Heights (Summer 2019)
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Made in U.S.A. - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Summer 2019)
3 Players in Common
HPK - Dumbeldore's Army
Friday Coed Kickball / Seminole Heights (Spring 2019)
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Drinking Buddies
Sunday "FunDay" Coed Kickball / Gulfport (Spring 2019)
3 Players in Common
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Spring 2019)
3 Players in Common
HPK - Dumbeldore's Army
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2019)
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Bar Olympics (3/30/19)
3 Players in Common
Hashtag Blessed- CHAMPS!
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Winter 2019)
3 Players in Common
Eastbound & Down
21st Annual Showdown at the Playground (12/08/18)
3 Players in Common
Eastbound & Down
2018 Saved by the Ball - Kickball Tournament (9/22/18)
3 Players in Common
Hashtag Blessed (m)
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Fall 2018)
4 Players in Common
HPK - Dumbeldore's Army - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Fall 2018)
Captain and
5 Players in Common
Kick in a Box (m)
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Summer 2018)
3 Players in Common
Kick You Next Thursday (m)
Thursday Coed Kickball / Clearwater (Summer 2 - 2018)
3 Players in Common
Kicker Instinct
Wednesday Coed Soccer 6v6 / Skyway (Summer 2018)
3 Players in Common
HPK - Dumbeldore's Army
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Summer 2018)
Captain and
6 Players in Common
Made in U.S.A. (m) - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Spring 2018)
3 Players in Common
HPK - #ourluckyday17
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Spring 2018)
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Suck My Kick
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Winter 2018)
4 Players in Common
FC Iceland
Wednesday Coed Soccer 6v6 / Skyway (Spring 2018)
3 Players in Common
HPK - NewlyWood - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2018)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Suck My Kick
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Fall 2017)
4 Players in Common
HPK - Da Heights - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Fall 2017)
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Suck My Kick - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Summer 2017)
3 Players in Common
HPK - #happilyeverhorneland - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Summer 2017)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Eastbound & Down
2017 "Hotter Than a Pitch" Kickball Tournament (8/19/2017)
4 Players in Common
Suck My Kick
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Spring 2017)
3 Players in Common
HPK - Money - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Spring 2017)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2017)
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Make America Drink Again
Bar Olympics (11/12/16)
Captain and
3 Players in Common
Eastbound & Down
19th Annual Showdown at the Playground
3 Players in Common
HPK - Goonies - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Fall 2016)
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Struggle Bus - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Capaz (Fall 2016)
5 Players in Common
HPK - Goonies - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Summer 2016)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
HPK - Goonies NEVER Say Die - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Spring 2016)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Friday Coed Social Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2016)
Captain and
9 Players in Common
Platt's Pizza - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Kickball / Hyde Park (Fall 2015)
3 Players in Common
Eastbound & Down (a)
18th Annual Showdown at the Playground
5 Players in Common
I'll Cut A Pitch - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Capaz (Fall 2015)
5 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / Hyde Park (Fall 2015)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Last Kicks - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Capaz (Summer 2015)
Captain and
4 Players in Common
The Nobodies - CHAMPS
Monday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2015)
4 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / Hyde Park (Summer 2015)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Jiminy Kick-it - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Gadsden (Spring 2015)
3 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / Hyde Park (Spring 2015)
Captain and
12 Players in Common
I'll Cut A Pitch - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Capaz (Spring 2015)
4 Players in Common
Friday Coed Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2015)
11 Players in Common
I'll Cut a Pitch - CHAMPS
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Capaz (Winter 2015)
4 Players in Common
Eastbound and Down (a/b)
17th Annual Showdown at the Playground
3 Players in Common
Suck My Kick
Thursday Coed Kickball / Clearwater (Fall2 - 2014)
4 Players in Common
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Fall 2014)
4 Players in Common
Hyde Park Kickers
Friday Coed Kickball / Hyde Park (Summer 2014)
Captain and
12 Players in Common
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Summer 2014)
4 Players in Common
Hyde Park Kickers - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Kickball / Hyde Park (Spring 2014)
Captain and
8 Players in Common
Healthy Ball Movement
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Spring 2014)
4 Players in Common
Off On A Cow (RB)
Sunday Coed Soccer / Shimberg (Winter 2014)
3 Players in Common
Tuesday Coed Kickball / Northshore (Winter 2014)
4 Players in Common
Hyde Park Kickers - CHAMPS
Friday Coed Kickball / Hyde Park (Winter 2014)
8 Players in Common