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Cornhole Standings

Tuesday Doubles Cornhole / Rec Dec (Spring 2024)


Hole Hunters - CHAMPS photo First Place Trophy

Open (teams of all skill levels)

  Hole Hunters - CHAMPS

Congratulations! Be sure to check out the Club Sport Facebook page for all this season's champ photos. Plus all winners are invited to our next Champs Party where the beer is ON US!!
View Hole Hunters - CHAMPS Team Page
Second Place Trophy

Open (teams of all skill levels)
Second Place

Hole-istic Medicine

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Win
Set W/L
1   Hole Hunters - CHAMPS 10 0 0 100.0 20 2 18
2   Corn in the USA 6 2 0 75.0 13 5 8
3   Here For Beer 6 3 0 66.7 13 6 7
4   MJ 5 3 0 62.5 10 8 2
5   It is what it is 5 4 0 55.6 10 9 1
6   Hole-istic Medicine 4 6 0 40.0 11 13 -2
7   Angry Otters 3 5 0 37.5 7 11 -4
8   Doggy style 2 7 0 22.2 5 14 -9
9   Bentley Board Bangers 0 8 0 0.0 1 16 -15
How are Standings Calculated?
Rankings will be determined by (1) Winning percentage, (2) head to head play (2 teams only), (3) most points scored, (4) fewest points against, (5) coin flip.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.