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Pickleball Standings

Wednesday Coed Pickleball / St. Pete PAL (Fall 2024)


Lower Division (2.5 or lower) Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Win
1   Dinkwads (l) 9 0 0 100.0 99 32 67
2   Quit Dinking Around (l) 9 0 0 100.0 99 36 63
3   Picklepuff Girls II (l) 7 2 0 77.8 86 47 39
4   Third Name (l) 6 3 0 66.7 77 53 24
5   Last minute (l) 6 3 0 66.7 87 45 42
6   Pickle party (l) 4 5 0 44.4 71 70 1
7   the real Dill (l) 3 6 0 33.3 56 81 -25
8   Dinking Problem (l) 3 6 0 33.3 38 74 -36
9   The Picklepuff Girls (l) 2 7 0 22.2 51 83 -32
10   Picklepuff Girls III (l) 2 7 0 22.2 43 90 -47
11   Gen X special (l) 2 7 0 22.2 38 81 -43
12   On the DL (l) 1 8 0 11.1 40 93 -53

Upper Division (3.0 - 4.0) Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Win
1   Dill Dazzlers (u) 9 0 0 100.0 99 63 36
2   Social Dinkers (u) 7 2 0 77.8 91 49 42
3   Whole lot of fun (u) 5 4 0 55.6 80 73 7
4   What’s the big Dill. (u) 5 4 0 55.6 73 82 -9
5   Lob Boss (u) 4 5 0 44.4 70 84 -14
6   The Dinkwads (u) 3 6 0 33.3 76 75 1
7   What came first the pickle or the balls? (u) 3 6 0 33.3 66 84 -18
8   Hoosier Daddy (u) 0 9 0 0.0 54 99 -45
How are Standings Calculated?
Rankings will be determined by (1) Winning percentage, (2) head to head play (2 teams only), (3) most points scored, (4) fewest points against, (5) coin flip.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.